
Serving, Educating and Empowering Families

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Financial wellness is the art of managing family income, investments and expenditures for optimal living. The process of becoming aware and making conscious choices toward financial independence is foundational for financial wellness.

Learning new skills and innovative strategies for maximizing cash flow is a goal many families must commit to before advancing toward financial wellness.  The concept of financial wellness is non-existent in many households.  However, for families who choose to experience financial freedom, the following steps will empower and bring new insight to your family.

Step 1# Give

Giving is the first step toward financial wellness.  This is your financial insurance for creating opportunities to get wealth.  Giving is the same as a farmer who plants seeds seasonally so as to reap a harvest in another season.  A farmer who desires to reap a harvest of  apples in the next season must plant apple seeds.  Planting orange seeds and expecting apples is INSANE.

A family with a desire to increase their household income must give (WORK) the use of their talents and abilities to those who could benefit.  Planting  your talent into an organization or a company is the fastest way to bring increase to your family income. There is no hope for financial increase when a family refuses to work.

Volunteering is an excellent way of planting a seed for the perfect job opportunity. Many organizations would love to benefit from your skills and dedication in the empowerment of your family.  Visit to find an opportunity in your community, or visit to assist with our monthly feeding of families in need in downtown Los Angeles (SKID ROW).  Helping someone start their own business is another excellent idea for positioning your family for increase.

Without understanding this FIRST STEP in financial wellness, it’s safe to say that the following steps will not apply to you. For those looking for results that work, please continue reading.

Step #2 Prepare to Receive

Preparing to receive is the second step toward financial wellness.  Once your family has already planted their seeds by the giving of their talents, ideas, love and kindness to others, WATCH OUT. The harvest has no choice but to come.  Not being prepared for the harvest will produce family stress and anxiety for those who did not plant the correct seeds on good ground.  An excellent way to prepare for the harvest is to create a 12 month financial plan on how you will spend the increase before your financial harvest arrives.

Step# 3 Your Measurement

It is impossible to receive a financial increase without the planting of your talents and skills.  There is no job or business on this planet who will pay you to do nothing.  Therefore, your measurement of financial increase is connected to the amount of QUALITY work you give to others.  If your quality of work was good, your measurement will be good.  If your quality of work was mediocre, your financial return will equal the same. To maximize your measurement, always do excellent work at all times.

Step #4 Pay Back

Pay back is a category in financial wellness that has the potential to produce fruit.  Based on your quality of work invested into helping someone else grow their business, there is an automatic release of promotion and pay increase that flows without any extra effort on your part.  To position your family for a larger pay back, invest time to develop your skill and talent to another level.

Step #5 Multiply

Multiplication is a form of financial increase that is shaken together and demands attention.  At this stage of financial wellness your family begin to enjoy their financial increase dimensionally. Developing your family’s skills and talents to another level raises the financial bar and positioned your family to experience greater financial success. Staying at this level demands enrolling in classes for improving your skills and connecting with a core group of associates that empowers your family beyond measure.

Step #6 Overflow

Living in the overflow is operating with more than just enough money to pay your bills.  This surplus and abundance allows your family through the ability of multiplying resources to build schools, fund research for cancer and sponsor programs that provide job training for unemployed families in your community.  It is in the overflow that many families begin to establish themselves as a financial resource for others.  Operating at this level effectively will take coaching and the development of new skills that prepare your family for leading the community responsibly.

Step #7 Favor

Favor is the ability to experience exceptional kindness and generosity from others effortlessly.   Receiving preferential treatment in every area of your life is a strong indication that you and your family have advanced to highest level of financial wellness.  This level of financial wellness is where no eyes have seen and no ears have heard the abundance heading toward your family.

Operating at this level is an experience that surpasses all understanding. Do not try to figure it out!  Houses, cars, boats, planes, and special invitations to paid VIP luncheons/dinners are some of the benefits that follow a family that is drenched in the excess that come with operating in favor.

This level of financial wellness is not for sale.  Favor is a natural progression for families who start by giving through investing time and effort to help others succeed.  By helping others to succeed, your family will benefit several times over without having to sell your soul for it.  Enjoying and maintaining this level of financial success demands helping others achieve success and rejecting low-level thinking that encourages competition and greed.